about ritsuko
Born and raised in Japan, Ritsuko has been living in the US for 20 years and is currently based in New York City. Having earned a Bachelor’s Degree from the State University of New York at Albany, she also completed the Parsons Interior Design Certificate Program. Ritsuko has travelled the world observing different cultures and their respective styles of interior design and organization of space. Noting the correlation between clear and clean organization and individuals’ peace of mind and happiness, Ritsuko was determined to put her skills to practice in this area. Japanese culture is internationally recognized for the precedence it places on cleanliness, order, and attention to fine details, as well as the importance of private space. With her bicultural background and personable nature, Ritsuko has been applauded by numerous clients for her personalized and tailored approach to decluttering, bringing order and harmony to their homes while also providing them with guidance and action plans to instill new habits and ensure they can maintain the lack of clutter in the future.